Thank Mr Friberg

Professional CS:GO eSports Team

Icon of a 9m pistol


Pistols Rounds Won

Icon of a skull



Icon of a trophy


Scrims Won

Icon of a large bullet sitting next to a smaller bullet


Bullets fired

Icon of a knife


Knife Kills

Our Mission

We're just a couple of friends who like playing for fun. We may not be the very best, but that's okay, because we're enjoying ourselves.

Main Roster

Patrick Bateman, a character from American Psycho. Played by Christian Bale. White guy in a suit with hair peeled back and very 1970's glasses.
Patrick Bateman, a character from American Psycho. Played by Christian Bale. White guy in a suit with hair peeled back and very 1970's glasses.
Ryu from Street Fighter. Martial Arts beefy tough lookin' guy.
Daniel Avadaniel in cartoon form. A guy with long hair, cool shades, a five-o'clock shadow and a face of disgust.
Hales, if he was a hotcake. With a smiley face made out of two blackberries, a strawberry, and whipped cream.

Why Friberg?

Because we just thought it was a funny meme. Plus, all of the others names that we've suggested were all garbage and we couldn't agree on anything else. You know how it goes...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempor ac metus quis porta. Curabitur faucibus est eget tortor sollicitudin semper. Sed elementum tristique venenatis. Donec eget euismod velit. Proin et gravida lacus. Maecenas malesuada gravida neque, ac maximus diam interdum vel. Pellentesque sagittis orci ut vestibulum tristique.

Our Approach

Honestly? We just bait each other and hope for the best. When we run strats we just flash each other and run into eachother's sprays and AWP shots. We always flash eash other, and it's generally just a huge mess. Why bother...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempor ac metus quis porta. Curabitur faucibus est eget tortor sollicitudin semper. Sed elementum tristique venenatis. Donec eget euismod velit. Proin et gravida lacus. Maecenas malesuada gravida neque, ac maximus diam interdum vel. Pellentesque sagittis orci ut vestibulum tristique.